Accessibility Info
In order to allow visitors with disability to browse through the National Palace Museum website as smoothly as other users do, the Museum complies with "Standards for Developing Accessible Websites, Version 2.0" established by the National Communications Commission. The Museum hopes to create a website environment that is as accessible as possible to all.
The layout of this website is into four major areas--the auxiliary menu links, main menu links, sub-menu links, and main content links. Based on the principles of web accessibility design, "access keys" (also known as "shortcut keys") have been included to reinforce the convenience of browsing.
Access keystroke combinations have been set as follows:
Alt+U: Upper auxiliary links area: this section contains a menu of auxiliary functions of this website.
Alt+L: Left sub-menu links area: this section contains links for each of the sub-menus.
Alt+C: Center main content display area: this part displays the information content for each web page.