

We use hash algorithms to make sure that an attachment is the one we directly provide to users and that it has not been maliciously changed by others. You may use a verification tool to see if an attachment’s hash value matches its hash verification code listed on this website (please remember to use SHA-256). Thank you.

序號 檔案名稱 雜湊值驗證
01 閻敬銘在山東-同治元年十月~六年二月 14CE177C2CEF44B0F0BE44E986F7E40CDC2BB84B90C1D9619CBF89D5FDB178B5
02 同治元年的雨花臺攻防戰 8AA27F9D4B6DBB2C1BB63D8AA40A29FA51681744762F556F2EA2729CCA4AEA7E
03 從活計檔看清高宗直接控管御製器用的兩個機制 98EDBDB8894F2058798E77DB268379C0A44B8E14FE025A9041998D5CEAE2EC84
04 唐英與雍乾之際官窯的關係—以清宮琺瑯彩瓷的繪製與燒造為例 CF47016C543D2775CEE73AE7541BA20AA8DC697327E0D805A38F9444B5DD5B2C