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  • Publishers and their Hua-p'u in the Wan-li Period: The Development of the Comprehensive Painting Manual in the Late Ming

    Hiromitsu Kobayashi The late Ming period is marked with the flourishing of art and the development of art historical knowledge among not just the old gentry but also among the rising middle class. The spurring economy gave more people, dwelling in the metropolitan areas of China, a chance to buy and savor contemporary arts of the Ming as well as to collect antique works produced in the previous dynasties. Publishers in the Wan-li period (1573-1620) wasted no time to answer the enthusiasm for collecting and decorating which went hand-in-hand with an increased desire for knowledge on the arts and tradition of painting. The publication of comprehensive painting manuals, the most developed form of hua-p'u one after another fulfilled such enthusiastic needs. Hua-p'u or woodblock printed books with illustrations defined various aspects of the art of painting, including theory, history, styles and methods of multiple genres, such as birds-and-flowers, landscapes, and figures.
    In the stream of development of comprehensive painting manuals in the Wan-li period, literati artists, commercial publishers or the imperial clan head which published the hua-p'u attempted to record the history of the tradition through their printed texts and illustrations. The publications were edited and produced to satisfy the needs of the target audience of the individual publishers. Comprehensive painting manuals played the most important role in circulating knowledge regarding the art of painting and its history both in text and through visual images to a wide audience that prepared to establish the foundation of antiquarian trends of the late Ming.
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  • 品鑑之趣─十八世紀的陶瓷譜冊及其相關的問題

    余佩瑾 本文主要是以臺北國立故宮博物的四本陶瓷圖冊,結合傳世相關的青銅圖冊和〈古玩圖〉卷(繪於清雍正六年(1728),目前收藏於英國Percival David Fountation of Chinese Art),以及清宮內務府造辦處活計清檔的記載,試圖復原陶瓷圖冊的用途與繪製的時期。從圖冊可能作為一組多寶格瓷器的紀錄,甚至清高宗-乾隆本人多次以「傳旨」指示將頭等瓷器置入多寶格,及圖冊簡介所呈現的與乾隆御製詩相彷的鑑賞觀,得知圖冊集錄的文物或與十八世紀清宮處理收藏的態度有關。特別是比較清雍正時期-清宮文物的整理狀況,似乎能夠梳理出古玩圖畫的創作存在與皇室的關係,而足以表現品鑑之趣的〈陶瓷譜冊〉、〈精陶韞古〉、〈埏埴流光〉和〈燔功彰色〉或許也可以置於此一脈絡來加以理解。
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  • 新新無已 愈出愈奇─十七世紀書法家書寫異體字風氣的研究

    白謙慎 本文以十七世紀書法家王鐸、傅山、八大山人的書法為例,對當時書法中書寫異體字的風氣的興起、發展、衰落作一初步的探討。本文認為,書寫異體字的風氣大概從萬曆(1573-1619)年間開始,至崇禎(1628-1644)、順治(1644-1661)年間達到高潮,康熙(1662-1722)後期開始逐漸衰落。它的興起和晚明社會城市文化中發展岀的尚奇的美學有關,並可視為是文化菁英們對當時一般民衆的識字率的提高的一種囬應。而它在康熙年間的衰落則直接導源於清初學術風氣的轉嚮。
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  • 晚明書家張瑞圖之歷史形象與書史地位

    何炎泉 晚明書家張瑞圖(1570-1641)因善書而無端涉入魏忠賢逆案,被指摘替魏閹生祠碑書丹,而被後世視為歷史罪人。本文利用過去未受書法史學者注意的明末清初文獻與魏忠賢相關的時事小說,梳理出張瑞圖牽連逆案的始末,證明張瑞圖的清白與書碑一事的不實。接著,考察晚明四家形成的過程,發現張瑞圖一直到清初《明史》修撰時,其書史地位才從地區性書家躍升為全國性,得以與邢侗、米萬鐘、董其昌並列。張瑞圖未涉案前的形象是善書的朝中要員,在蒙受書丹罪名的同時,其「善書」形象不斷地被明末清初的史家強化,最終成為四家中一員。
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  • 金塔寺石窟考

    李玉珉 金塔寺東、西窟的中心塔柱分層、每層上寛下窄、人物身軀粗壯,飛天碩大,皆是涼州模式的餘緒,而窟中所見的Y字形衣褶、交腳彌勒佛和倚坐彌勒佛等新圖像等,顯然又受到雲岡石窟的影響。前者反映了本地傳統的延續,後者則與五世紀的五○至八○年代間,北魏朝廷積極經營河西地區有著密切的關係。
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  • 故宮新購晉侯鬲之研究

    游國慶 二○○二年八月上海博物館舉辦「晉國銅器大展」與學術討論會,然因資料公布不周,臺北故宮新收銅器──「晉侯鬲」未被與會學者提及討論,且傳來其銘疑偽之說。針對外界的質疑,本文從鑄造、紋飾、器形、銘文款式與字口銹況各角度,證實其為真器,同時聯結晉侯墓群考古同出的器物組合,以及相關銅器紋樣特徵,指出臺北故宮新購「晉侯鬲」二件與「晉侯對鋪」均應出土於晉侯對墓(一號墓),滌清了疑偽之說,也改訂了學者對「晉侯鬲、鋪」出土地點的擬測。
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