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Group visits

To improve the quality of their visit to the NPM and to maintain a quiet and comfortable atmosphere inside the galleries, the NPM has implemented a new group audio tour system as of July 1, 2007. All groups of ten or more purchasing group admission tickets to the NPM exhibition areas must also purchase and use the NPM group audio tour system. The group audio tour system is a cordless device. Tourist guides will be equipped with a master set and microphone while group members each have a receiver and earpiece, the connection and sound quality of these devices are extremely well-maintained. With the use of these devices tourist guides will be able to control the volume, effectively reducing noise and maintaining the museum's solemn environment.

Tourist guides and travel agencies may make reservations prior to their visit to minimize possible waiting time.

To book the online Group Audio Touring System, please refer to The National Palace Museum Group Audio Touring System Booking Guidelines.

For regular visitor reservations, please contact our service hotline at 886-2-2883-3172, 886-2-2883-3277, or 886-2-2883-3200.


Last Updated:2024-09-25